Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Retirement Tuesday

 It is a good day when I can call a local clinic and make an appointment for Joe to see a doctor the next day. In Woodland he needed a temporary prescription filled and the soonest appointment was one month. They refused to see him unless he had a new patient visit first. Then it took me two months to get the billing code corrected.

I am pleased that he can get in tomorrow morning. Nothing major. Last month he fell while out for a walk (it was pouring rain) and the inside of his knee is still achy in the mornings, so he wants to get it checked out.

Tuesday mornings are our errand mornings in Maple Grove. We hit up UPS for an Amazon return, Joe got a haircut, filled the car with gas, shopped at Costco and Cub. Once back in Rockford we dropped by the bank for our new debit cards, stopped at a chiropractor and physical therapist’s office for Joe to get information, and bought ice.

Then it was home where I spent the afternoon changing our addresses on accounts – I still have more to do tomorrow. I did not realize how many accounts we had to change!!

I was happy to know that I can continue my Golden 1 Credit Union account now that we live in Minnesota. The only limitation is that I can not apply for loans as Golden 1 is not in Minnesota. Since I am not one to take out loans, we are good with that limitation.

As a treat, I finished watching Queen Charlotte on Netflix. Thank you for the recommendation, Kim.

Pan and Rufio had a visitor on the back patio today. I was not witness to the occasion; however, I guess Rufio was quite disturbed by the sight of the chipmunk. Fortunately for the chipmunk, Rufio could not get to him/her through the sliding glass door. Megan caught a photo of the visit.

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