Monday, August 7, 2023

Finishing up Residency Changes in Minnesota

Joe and I went to the Wright County License Center this morning to apply for our Minnesota driver licenses. It went smoothly, no appointment was necessary, and we had no wait. They opened at 8 am and we walked in the door at 8:05am. At 8:06am there were 5 people waiting behind us. The same person processed both of our applications, conducted the eye exam, and took our photos.

The building was so beautiful compared to the Woodland DMV that I took a photo of the building to show you all.

This building is at the Wright County Government Campus (located in Buffalo) 

As we finished our license appointment, we asked about the car registration as we planned to register the car at the end of August when our California auto insurance expires and our Minnesota car insurance takes effect.  We were told it didn’t matter about California vs Minnesota auto insurance. We drove 15 minutes back home and collected the title on the car and proof of insurance. When we went back, again without an appointment, we waited only about ten minutes before we were called to a window. Twenty minutes later, two minutes of the twenty minutes was picking out the plate we wanted, we were finished.

After we got in the car, I took a photo of the temporary registration for my records and saw that they listed the vehicle owner as Joseph Coehlo. Institutional sexism. We are both on the official title and on the Minnesota car registration form. My name was listed first on the California title. We will receive a Minnesota title which should list both names. I did all the paperwork and wrote the check. Joe sat in a waiting area chair the entire time except to sign (as I already had) the final paperwork. Grrrr…

The rational part of me says it shouldn’t matter to me. Joe pointed out that the irony was that all the people processing the paperwork were female. The only male we saw was a guard near the kiosk we signed in at and a male dressed as a maintenance person. I would estimate there were at least 20 women working in the facility.

We went with a specialized plate. For $20.00 extra a year we will have the new Minnesota “Supporting Agriculture for All” plate. The $20.00 per year extra we pay will benefit 4-H and FFA members.


After we got back from the License Center this afternoon, I was able to research places to get my fingerprinting done to complete my application for substitute teaching in Minnesota. Tomorrow I plan to go into the Buffalo Police Station and get fingerprinted.

Then I took a nap! I will go weeks without napping and then here I am back to back days taking a nap. One of the benefits of retirement!

After dinner, I made motel reservations for our stay in Bend, Oregon in September and started scheduling time with friends while we are in Woodland the week of September 18th. If you haven’t heard from me today and want to see Joe or me, please send me a private message. I have a list of people to still contact but you can’t see my list! I wouldn't want to miss someone or have someone feel left out. 

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