Wednesday, August 16, 2023

I'm a Minnesotan, Now! (via California via Ohio)

My Minnesota drivers license arrived today! I like the license for two reasons (1) in Minnesota, grey is not a hair color option. You use your original hair color and (2) the photo on the card makes my hair look like it is more brown than grey. Works for me.

Maybe it’s retirement or the climate (more humidity) but my hair does not feel as coarse as it did before we moved here. Grey hair is coarser. It’s softer now. Come to think of it I’m not sure I’ve noticed anyone here with grey hair…

Megan, Rufio, and I did our walk this morning. Megan brought reward treats for Rufio when we were near the storm drains. No, she does not have rewards treats for me. She does, however, encourage me to rest and to keep doing my best each day. She has told me while she is not really into cheerleading, she is trying to give me positive feedback. I am feeling encouraged.

Megan and family are preparing to go away this weekend to camp with Jeremy’s family. Joe and I will stay here with Pan and hold down the home front. The grandkids will get to spend time with their cousins, maybe do a little fishing, and sleep in a tent. Joe and I pretty did that on our road-trip (except for the fishing, though my brothers would have gladly taken me fishing) so we are good to be minding Pan.

I began sewing patches on Charlotte’s Daisy vest. They were ironed on as she earned them. The edges are coming up so before the vest gets packed away, Megan asked me to sew the badges down. It is taking time! I listen to podcasts while sewing. It’s getting done with needle and fishing line .008 diameter 4-pound filament to be exact. Joe contributed by going into Buffalo and buying the fishing line at Walmart. It took me three hours to sew on ten badges, I broke a needle, lost a thimble, lost a needle, and in the process discovered that for the badges to look nice they need to be sewn all the way around and not just tacked on at the corners. A labor of love for my Charlotte. I’ll have to ask Megan if she still has her Daisy vest – pretty sure I gave it to her when she moved to Minnesota.

And I was wondering what I would do when I retired…

1 comment:

  1. Beth, I sewed my fair share of badges as a Girl Scout and then for my son's Boy Scout career. The lifesaver was choosing an upholstery needle! They are curved and make sewing on those tough badges child's play! Nice of you to do it! Shannon


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...