Thursday, August 10, 2023

Litany of Sorts

My year of transformation – 8-month check-in.

Writing is easy once I start.  

Eating healthy is easy once I start.

               Potato chips are not a healthy choice.

              Donuts are not a healthy choice.

                              The ‘satisfaction’ from both is only ever temporary.

Exercise is easy once I start.

               I walk right by my street strider every day.

               All I ‘need’ to do is 5 minutes a day to start.

               I have links to 5-minute Leslie Sansone walks that I like.

The ‘start’ is the issue – not the activity.

I don’t buy into the idea that everything must be perfect to get started.

I have the time to do all the above.

The only one I am doing right now is writing (100%) and eating healthy about 70% of the time.

I have willpower.

               I quit a two-pack a day smoking habit thirty-two years, 8 months, and 10-days ago.

               Cold turkey.

I read motivational stuff about eating healthy and exercising.

               Action is required.

               I wish eating was a cold turkey thing.

              Except I hate eating turkey of any kind. I meant ‘cold turkey’ as in stop without a substitute.

I am doing some things right to take care of me.

               … meditate daily.

               … breath exercises.

               … practice an attitude of gratitude.

               … writing daily.

              … eating fruits and vegetables.

It’s August and my transformation goal for 2023 is a bit behind schedule.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll find the motivation to begin…

               … the exercise.

              … eliminating foods that don’t do a body good.

               … accepting that today I ate 100% healthy and that’s a start!

Please do not send me diet information.

               I already could write a damn book on all the choices.

               Congratulations on your success with your program.

               I have lost so many of the same pounds repeatedly that I am done with dieting.

You are welcome to share your stories with me.

             Success (to inspire) or failure (to commiserate) in your own self-care journey.

               In writing this litany (not sure it qualifies as a poem), I realized…

                              … I have focused on my failures instead of successes this year.,

Ah… this is, indeed, a litany as the definition is “a tedious recital or repetitive series.”

I repeatedly focus on what I am NOT doing instead of what I have accomplished.

Transformation requires effort.

Back to the drawing board.

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