Tuesday, August 29, 2023


One definition of respite is a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant. I typed that as the title, thinking that I would take a break from writing the blog today. However, I do not find writing difficult or unpleasant. Instead, I find that while my life is plenty exciting for Joe and me there is a certain lack of material that other people might find interesting. 

Megan. Rufio, and I walked this morning (day 19). It took less time than yesterday which is progress. 

Joe watered the lawn and let Pan play in the water. When Joe came into the house to get a towel, Pan snuck by him into the house.  Megan had done quite a bit of deep cleaning yesterday and was not happy with Pan or Joe tracking in water/mud. Joe claims there was no mud. I am not sure who was in hotter water with Megan, Joe or Pan. I think it was Joe as Pan is pretty much clueless, he’s a dog.  Joe cleaned up Pan and took him for a walk so he could dry off in the sun. 

Our Costco trip to Maple Grove was uneventful today. We usually get there right at 10:00am, when they open, and while it has always been busy, it has never been as busy as the very first time we went, and I thought I was going to have a meltdown from the hordes of people. This morning we got there about 15 minutes after they opened and there were lots of people. Reminded me of the first time. I did figure out that some people do not look when they exit an aisle because they have concluded that most people are kind and will not run into them. I came close, several times, to hitting people with my cart because they just walked into the aisle with their cart and never even looked both ways. There is a part of me that would like to not come to a screeching halt to avoid careening into them. Instead, I'll hurt myself trying not to hurt them. Really, people? The nicer part of me believes that they are distracted by something in their life and they are just on autopilot. It may be me someday and I need to get some Costco Karma Points saved up for that day.

My life is so much simpler than it was when I worked, The biggest challenges I face these days are Costco crowds and hearing about wet dog incidents from the parties involved. I really am in no position to ask for a respite from anything.

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