Monday, August 28, 2023

No More 'Busy' Days, Only Present Days

It dawned on me today that I no longer feel, or have the need to feel, "busy." Megan and I have talked off and on about what a blessing and a curse it has been to be raised by two parents (Joe and me) that believed in the value of hard work. I know I have discovered over the past few years that I was always so busy because when I was busy I could keep moving forward without worrying if I was effective in my career or if what I was doing was serving me. Now I am discovering that I don't need to be busy. I can acknowledge my value as a human being, spouse, friend, and keep moving forward AND enjoy everyday living. Now, I enjoy living in the moment and not always trying to 'fix' something else or being concerned about other people around me feeling happy or fulfilled by their jobs (oh, the joys of human resources work). That is not to say I don't care about others, I do care. I will always make myself available for friends and family. Now though, it's not about being busy. It's about being present.

I started my day by walking in the cul-de-sac with Megan and Rufio. My time today was my second best since starting eighteen days ago. I was being a slug this morning when Megan sent me a text and I agreed to walk with her in 15 minutes. Which meant I had to get out of bed, dress, and make my bed fast. I can’t bring myself to leave the house, even for a walk, with an unmade bed. The only exception is on the days we wash our sheets. Anyway, my body was a bit stiff because I had not been up long enough to get everything working. I thought the walk might be tough – it wasn’t. So, I am enjoying the increased energy I have throughout the day after the morning walk.

When we got back to the house, Megan and I sat on the front porch and chatted for about 30 minutes. That was nice to have a visit with her. She was working up the enthusiasm to do the deep clean chores she had lined up for her day. Joe came out to let me know that the only way he would be able to get information on tracking down his Minnesota license was if we drove to the Buffalo licensing office. I drove down with him, and we made a stop at Cub and Menards on the way back. The licensing office said they issued the license on the 21st and he’d be getting it any day. We both applied on the same day and mine came in within two weeks. I guess I thought they’d get processed together since we applied together.

I enjoyed a lovely virtual visit with my friend Jen from New Jersey, today. She is one of those people who lift my spirits being in her space. She has a warm vibe that shines through Google Meets. I love her a lot and wish she were my neighbor. If I had a neighborhood of the amazing women in my life it would be the best neighborhood EVER. Full of vulnerable, warm, loving people.

Today, I also did my very own first drive somewhere all by myself. I drove to Delano and picked up Papa Murphys for dinner. It’s only about 6 ½ miles away and it’s a lovely backroad drive. It felt strange to be on the road without someone else in the car (usually Joe, sometimes Megan). I drove around Woodland all the time and never thought about it at all. Here, going for a “ride along“ seems like the thing for us to do. It gives us an opportunity to explore the area. Joe was seeding the lawn and Megan was immersed in her deep clean, so I did it BY MYSELF!

I watched the entire Season 1 of Shrinking and it is as good as the reviews say. Looking forward to Season 2. I assume that it may be a while with the writer’s strike and the actors joining in support. I get why they need to do this. But darn, I sure do want to see what happens next in Season 2 of Shrinking. I guess it gives me something to look forward to!

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