Sunday, August 20, 2023

Sunday's Select Bits

Jeff and Kathy (my brother and sister-in-law) celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary this year. As part of the celebration Renee and Jami (Daughters, my nieces) treated them to a Pat Benatar concert last night. Renee posted a photo of Jeff & Kathy on Facebook and gave permission for me to share it. Happy anniversary, Kathy and Jeff!

This morning my friend Elizabeth texted me this photo:

The accompanying text read, “Barbie fun with Shawna last night. These (dolls) were all a garage sale find in Woodland on my morning walk before flying back to Arizona. Can you find: drunk Barbie, intervention Barbie, Hawaiian Barbie, & Hollywood Barbie?”

Mind you Shawna is an adult who just graduated with her master’s degree, Elizabeth and Shawna can find fun in almost anything. Mind you, I have not seen the Barbie movie; however, I understand people either love it or hate it. I have enjoyed hearing and reading about the different takeaways people have shared.

This photo made me laugh out loud and appreciate Elizabeth and Shawna’s twisted sense of humor.

Megan, Jeremy, and the grandkids enjoyed their camping trip. Megan and Jeremy were glad to be back home, out of the dirt, and back to their indoor bathrooms. Caleb and Charlotte popped down to our flat this morning to say goodbye (they were headed to their mom’s house until Wednesday morning) and they each shared that they enjoyed the camping trip. Playing with cousins, going out on the pontoon at the lake, and sleeping in a tent were a few of the highlights. 

This coming Wednesday, Megan and Jeremy are taking the kids to Great Wolf Lodge Water Park. They will come home Thursday evening. This is their last summer family outing before school starts on the Tuesday after Labor Day.

We enjoyed dinner at Applebee’s with Megan and Jeremy this evening. We went between 3:00pm and 6:00pm when they have their first happy hour of the day and have select appetizers for ½ price. Applebee’s second happy hour is 9:0pm until midnight when they close.

I hope you had a Happy Sunday!

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