Saturday, August 19, 2023

Saturday Hodge Podge and Kid's Camping Photos

Retirement has reduced me to thinking a fun day is going to the Wright County Compost and Recycling Center to dispose of carboard boxes from our bed, frame, and weighted blanket delivery this week. Then we did a stop at the liquor store. Joe went into the store with the following instructions: Make sure it is a blend or a dry red – the bolder the better – and make sure it is at least three years old (histamines in younger wines give me a headache). He was in and out within minutes with Bogle’s Essential Red, 2020. Score!

Next stop was Cub grocery store for the crusty bread to go with our quiche and salad for dinner. I walked at Cub to add to my steps from my morning cul-de-sac walk. Joe and Pan walked with me this morning in the cul-de-sac.

Doing those errands makes me feel productive. I want to get beyond equating productivity as important. Sometimes reading a book, or sitting in the sunshine, or visiting with friends is plenty important enough.

A month ago, Megan was gifted a plant from an adult in Girl Scouts. She gave it to me. At the time the plant had two leaves. Earlier this week a third leaf appeared. I think that plant represents my retirement, there is a lot happening under the surface I don’t see and then one day there is a new part of me that has grown and appears looking like it belonged there all along.

That may be the Essential Red talking. I realized today that I had not had a glass of wine since we had visited Anne and Becca in Pennsylvania in early June. I have had a few margaritas over the past several months when we dined out. Both Joe and I are light weights when it comes to alcohol, and he mentioned after the glass we had at dinner that he felt a little light-headed. Me too. This reminded us why we don’t drink regularly. We both sure like a beer or glass of wine now and then.

Megan has been sending me photos from their camping excursion. I am sharing the photos with her kids and Rufio. Rufio is lazing around and enjoying a lot of pets from kids. He is so easy going and loves the attention. I believe the land they are camping on is private land owned by one of Jeremy’s sister’s husband’s family members. They cleared an area for the families to spend time together. Makes me miss my Ohio family and the fun time we had at the lake and visiting their homes this summer.

This afternoon, Joe and I drove out to Hanover to look at a house that has been on the market for 10 days. I know it won’t still be on the market this next year when we are ready to buy. It would be the perfect house for us. It has a pole barn so Joe would have a shop. It’s 12-minutes from Megan and Jeremy. The house is surrounded by woods on 1.9 acres of land with a creek running through the woods. And it has a year-round enclosed sun porch that looks out over a wooded area. I would make it into my writing room. At least it is nice to know that such places exist!

I am feeling a tad bit jealous of my brother Kenny tonight. I was texting with him, and he shared that he was getting ready to walk over to a park in Bryan, Ohio to watch Girl Named Tom in concert. How fun!

Here are the photos from the kids camping trip! 

Caleb & Charlotte

Charlotte and Rufio

Rufio (Right) makes a new friend.

Rufio enjoying off-leash, laying on the ground, time!

Jeremy & Megan's camp site area. Jeremy and Caleb playing football catch. 
Our green tent is in the photo!

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