Friday, August 18, 2023

Yolo County Fair - I'm Living Vicariously Through Facebook Posts

I have been enjoying the Facebook posts from folks at the Yolo County Fair in Woodland, California. The fair is important in the area. First, it is free entrance. Second, the music is among the best. In addition to seasoned musicians, they have a talent contest that is top notch. Erika Davis is the Entertainment Director for the Fair. She and her partner, Bill Davis, do an excellent job mentoring other musicians and I know they have been instrumental in past talent shows. Erika is also a talented performer and band manager. Her group Kiss 'N Tell performed for two of the Hygieia Holiday parties. Not that that is their claim to fame. Lol. Kiss N' Tell performs regularly in the region and in San Francisco.

Ray Cadena and his group Grooveline opened the fair this past Wednesday. Again, extraordinarily talented performer (and an all-around nice human being).

The fair is more than music (though I just checked the rest of the week's performers, and they have a terrific line up!!). For other people, the highlight is the Demolition Derby and for others the livestock events and still others all the fun foods! (Okay, the food was important for me the years I went).

I adore their logo and theme this year. I am borrowing it for the blog because it makes me smile.

Megan and family were on the road a bit after 1:30 pm today and on their way for a weekend camping trip. We will see them on Sunday sometime before noon. Joe, Pan, and I have been chilling'.

I finished sewing the badges down on Charlotte's vest, walked with Megan, did a load of laundry, cooked dinner, and relaxed the rest of the day with movies. 

Joe and I ate quiche and salad for dinner tonight. We plan to do the same for tomorrow night's dinner. Joe got to reading up on quiches and they are even better when served with crusty bread and a glass of wine. Megan and Jeremy do not drink so we have not had alcohol in our flat. Tomorrow we are heading to a local liquor store for a bottle of wine. We are also buying (and eating) the crusty bread. Both will be gone by the time the family gets back from camping.

While the young ones are away - the older generation will play!

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