Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Crazy Horse and Mount Rushmore

We took time today to drive by the Crazy Horse Monument and Mount Rushmore. It was late in the day so we did drive-bys. I caught a side view of the Crazy Horse sculpture - it is impressive.

I took s few photos, from the road, of Mount Rushmore. I’ll post the photos tomorrow. Joe and I both would make a point to go to the Crazy Horse Monument and tour their museums next trip.

We left Utah at 7am this morning and stopped for the night in South Dakota. We are now in the Central time zone. It was 10:00 pm when we arrived at the rest stop. Fourteen hours on the road is plenty for one day.

Going across Wyoming today we saw longhorns, lots of cows, a cowboy and his horse in the middle of nowhere, pronghorn antelope, and horses. It broke up the monotony of the highway scenery. Parts of Wyoming were amazing. 

I love South Dakota so far. 

We are both excited to get home to Minnesota tomorrow afternoon.


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