Monday, September 18, 2023

On the Road to Woodland, California (Part of Road Trip #3 in 2023)

The one question anybody has yet to ask is, “What’s the least favorite part of your road trip adventures this year?” I came to this realization while at a rest stop in Oregon this morning. I have an answer to this question!

Today, we drove from Bend Oregon to Woodland, California. We are staying with our friend Kim in our old home. I was a bit concerned with how I would handle staying in Kim’s home as a guest. She has decorated beautifully, and Joe said her decorations make it feel like her home and not ours. This is all good!

We got in late this afternoon and talked for about 3 hours solid! I am delighted to be here and have time with friends this week.

One photo for today is from Hwy 97 south of Bend about 60 miles. There was suddenly a traffic delay.

Here is the reason for our delay:

Two of three deer that crossed the road around 9:00am this morning. I took this photo while we were moving. One deer is center other deer's head is at right edge of photo.

I sent my brothers this photo in a text this morning. They understand how I feel about deer on the road.

My least favorite part of road trips this year: 1-ply toilet paper!!! Even my deer worries pale next to all of the 1-ply toilet paper in rest stops and gas stations across America.

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