Wednesday, September 13, 2023

We Made it! (Day 3 of Road Trip #3 in 2023) +Yellowstone National Park Photos (9/12/2023 Visit)

We made it in to Bend this afternoon. Two full days ahead of our anticipated schedule. We were excited to get into our hotel for the two extra nights. We had an early dinner at Laughing Planet advertised as delicious, nutritious, and expeditious. It was all three as promised. 

Our trip from Rockford to our motel doorstep totaled 1778 miles. We spent most of yesterday in Yellowstone National Park. The photos from the trip are from the areas we stopped to visit or found interesting. We had decided to go on the spur of the moment because we had such an easy first day. We drove 445 miles on Tuesday, most of it at 30 to 45 miles per hour inside of Yellowstone. Then today we finished the 631 miles to Bend. Traffic was good all the way, which means less stress and more time to enjoy the scenery.

We will be in Bend until Monday morning when we leave for Woodland, California.

Before sharing the photographs from Yellowstone, this photo taken from eastern Oregon along Highway 20, captured the idyllic scenery of the region.

Along Hwy 20 (west bound) Oregon

Now for Yellowstone!
The first four photos are from the Golden Gate Canyon in the Northwestern part of the park. The first two phtos were taken from a scenic point and are looking directly across at the sheer walls. I was afraid to get closer to the edge and look straight down as their were no guardrails. I am a chicken. 

Scene of the Canyon to the south of where I was standing for the two photos above.

Southwest of the above photo

The first road/bridge in this area was built in 1885.  Twelve hundred and seventy-five pounds of explosives were used to remove 14,000 cubic yards of solid rock which was hauled off by horses and wagons. The bridge was rebuilt in 1900, 1933, and 1977 using newer materials and engineering practices each time.

While I rested, Joe hiked into Gibbons Falls and took two photos.

                                Roaring Mountain - It was very quiet for the 15 minutes we were here. I guess some days the sound is so loud it can be heard 4 miles away.

What can be a bit noisy, a relaxing noise, is the geyser and springs in this video we took.

Coming and going we had the opportunity for delays created by Bison. 

The truck ahead of us has a close encounter.

On the way back, in the same exact spot, there were rangers directing traffic as a herd were crossing and making themselves at home in this field.

As we exited the park there was a thirty minute delay. This gentleman and two of his buddies had been blocking the road. By the time we got to them they were hanging out in a side lot. It would appear size matters when it comes to ruling your own world!

Bison were not he only animals we saw in the park. Joe saw a snake and these ravens (one is in the tsecond tree from the left) were hanging out in small wooded area. We were within 30 feet of them and they didn't seem to concerned about us. We got out of our car, saw them, they saw us, and I took a photo. That was it. Around us other people began to notice them and walked over and I swear these birds posed for them. Joe got another photo of  the closer raven after he grew bored (the raven, not Joe) of being admired.

Next up is a photo from the Midway Geyser Basin:

By the time we got to Old Faithful (our last destination before leaving the park) it had just  erupted and we were told it would go off again at 5:45 pm (an hour and a half later). We were ready to call it a day and decided not to wait. Joe did catch a photo of the aftermath:

We also spent a bit of time at the Obsidian Cliff area. Joe loves rocks. Fortunately these rocks were too big to take home to our grandkids!

1 comment:

  1. Yellowstone is beautiful. Was there in '88. Hiked to the lower falls and when we left the parking lot was full. When we got back the lot was empty and the Ranger said we have to go, the fire was coming. Then saw the fire fighters out working and helicopters dumping water.


Words Matter

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