Friday, October 20, 2023

Hold Your Horses!

Hold Your Horses! On the way back from Maple Grove today, not far from home, we drove through Greenfield. We were on Highway 10 which is also known as Woodland Trail which then becomes Rebecca Trail coming into Rockford. Today the drive was especially lovely as there was an entire woods of red-leafed trees. It was too far away to get a photograph that showed the true grandeur of the trees.

Highway 10 is undergoing road construction and had one lane closed off. While we were waiting for our turn to go, we were stopped right at the entrance to a horse ranch. The sign caught my eye!

According to their website, Hold Your Horses provides interventions that help their clients achieve wellness and increase the quality of their lives. They have a trained professional therapy team and trained equine partners to provide opportunities for skill development both on and off the horse. Individuals with physical, cognitive, or sensory impairments can benefit from their treatment strategy which consists of hippotherapy or equine facilitated psychotherapy.

Pretty cool place!

I especially like the name of the farm as I grew up hearing “hold your horses” from my parents and aunts and uncles whenever I was impatient. Seeing this sign today seemed like a gentle reminder today from the universe to be more patient with myself.

Another cool thing I saw today, while waiting for a stoplight to turn green, was this license plate ahead of me:

Pan is Megan’s dog. He loves walking with Joe every day. When Joe naps (like he is right now), Pan often naps as well:

My hip flexor issue is coming along nicely. It has healed to the point where all I can really do is continue my stretches, rest, and walk when I can and let time complete the healing process. An area where I need to be more patient with myself! 

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