Tuesday, October 24, 2023


We picked up our hearing aids today. The training was about an hour for each of us. Hearing aid technology has certainly changed in the decade since Joe’s dad and my uncle Owen had hearing aids.

Our hearing aids and chargers came in this cute bag:

I have an app on my phone to control the volume, bass, mid, and treble on my hearing aids. 

We left the technician’s office around 4:30 pm. Here is what I wasn’t hearing before that I hear now:

  •        Highway 55 traffic noise when walking to our car after the appointment in Buffalo.
  •          Joe chewing during dinner (this was not unpleasant – he had his mouth closed), It is the first I can recall ever hearing him chew – we have been married 29 years.
  •           Me talking. I am told my brain will adjust within a day or two and I will no longer hear my own voice.
  •       Glory be, Joe is talking louder now. Okay, it’s not Joe talking louder. It’s me being able to hear him.
  •          I had a coloring app on my phone that I will use whenever I feel the need to keep my hands busy. After picking up our hearing aids we stopped at Cub to pick up some groceries and I was using the app when Joe ran into the store. It seems that app has music. I heard it for the first time today. Wow! That must have been annoying to other people in waiting rooms in the past.

And that’s just in the first several hours. I have also discovered I will no longer need my Air Pods as my hearing aids connect through Bluetooth to both my computer and iPhone. If I am out of the room and my phone rings, I can answer with my hearing aids which also have their own microphone.

I am sure each day will bring new surprises in the world of hearing.

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