Sunday, October 29, 2023

Tidbits - A little bit of Everything

Recently, Caleb was nominated and selected to serve as the Kindness Council representative for his 4th grade class. The council is the first formal leadership opportunity the student’s have at the school he attends. Representatives attend a “kindness retreat” that stresses why and how to make kind choices, enhances their empathy skills to understand how words and actions affect others, and teaches them conflict resolution strategies they can use in response to unkind actions.

The council actively leads service-learning projects at the school. Caleb shared the October project was to hide pumpkins with acts of kindness activities throughout the school. When a student comes across a hidden pumpkin, they perform the act of kindness and then receive a prize for their efforts.

We are proud that Caleb is embracing this opportunity to spread his sweetness to others. Since we moved here in July, I have been amazed with how sweet Caleb is to his sister. Frankly, as an oldest child I am not sure I was always a ‘kind’ big sister to my siblings.

This week Charlotte was the celebrated student in her class. On Friday she gave a presentation to her class on her favorite things. I asked her if included me in her favorite things. She said, “No. I took my favorite picture of Pan and Rufio.” I can’t say too much as it seems none of her family members made the cut. Just the dogs.

Charlotte's favortie things presentation included this photo of Rufio and Pan.

I am enjoying my hearing aids. They have made a difference – I can hear Charlotte plainly and everyone else’s voices are clearer. Joe has decided the hearing aids are not making a difference for him and he plans to return them this week. We have sixty days to return them for a full refund. My hearing loss is across all levels. While Joe’s loss is in higher octave ranges. Something he doesn’t encounter often enough for him to wear hearing aids all day long.

Yesterday, I wrote about our ‘dip’ night dinner with the grandkids. This morning a friend wrote asking, “Are the kids vegetarian?” For other people curious about our dip night dinner, the answer is no. They eat chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, sausage patties, bacon. The next questions: “Did you eat like that when you lived here? Or was it an experiment?” My answer: Yes, on occasion we would have friends over for dip dinner night.

My friend let me know she would not have been happy with our meal nor would her grandkids. And I get that. People have their own food preferences. We happen to eat a lot of veggies and fruits compared to many people. Tonight, we are having steaks, a salad, and Brussel sprouts. Our grandkids are not interested in steak, yet. Maybe when they are older. (Note: The grandkids went back to their mom’s home this morning). We are just glad that Caleb loves to eat cucumbers and Charlotte had three small helpings of Caesar salad the other evening. We have known many children (and adults too come to think of it) who hate vegetables. They also like pineapple and grapes. Though, Charlotte prefers her pineapple uncooked. One of our favorite meals is grilled chicken and pineapple skewers. For the adult skewers we add onion, zucchini, and mushrooms.


  1. Charlotte is showing all the signs of a future HB volunteer😉


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...