Sunday, November 5, 2023

Laundry Thoughts

Laundry, prepping our flat for Roomba to clean the floors, and watching a few episodes of Season 3 of Medium on Amazon Prime makes for a restful Sunday.

I have a friend who says things about laundry that make me laugh, though I have felt the same way on several laundry days.

               “I swear that neighbors are dropping off their laundry when I’m not looking.”

               “I think the day I don’t have laundry will be the day I am dead.”

When we were in Woodland visiting my friend, Kim, told me she was disappointed the house didn’t come with the Laundry Fairy. Joe is the Laundry Fairy. Though truthfully, he will even admit I help – even if it’s the folding phase.

When I saw this meme today it struck home.

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