Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Quilts of Valor

On Sunday, November 12, 2023, my cousin Tammy Higley presented a Quilt of Valor to her brother (yes, also my cousin), Denver Douglas (Doug) Higley. Doug and his wife Karen were able to make it to Huntsville, Alabama for the presentation ceremony.

Tammy Replogle, Doug Higley, and Karen Higley as Doug is presented the 
Quilt of Valor, designed and pieced together by Tammy.

Tammy and friend holding up the completed Quilt of Valor presented to Doug.

The quilt was designed by Tammy. She also designed and pieced the top of the quilt. Two of her friends assisted with completing the quilt. One friend quilted and the other friend bound the quilt.

When I saw Tamny’s Facebook post, I was deeply touched by her act of successfully completing this quilt honoring her brother. When Joe and I visited Tammy and Kent this past April, she shared with us about the project. She also took me to a quilting meeting where I learned to appreciate the beauty, vision, and hard work of quilters in general.

My cousin Doug served in the Air Force from 1972 to 1976 and then in the Air National Guard from 1976 to his retirement in 2007. Thank you, Doug, for your service.

The Quilt of Valor Foundation (QOVF) was established in 2003 by Catherine Roberts whose son was deployed in Iraq. She established the group because of a dream she had. I took this quote by her from the Quilts of Valor website, https://www.qovf.org/: “The dream was as vivid as real life. I saw a young man sitting on the side of his bed in the middle of the night, hunched over. The permeating feeling was one of utter despair. I could see his war demons clustered around, dragging him down into an emotional gutter. Then, as if viewing a movie, I saw him in the next scene wrapped in a quilt. His whole demeanor changed from one of despair to one of hope and well-being. The quilt had made this dramatic change. The message of my dream was: Quilts = Healing.”

As a result of Roberts’ dream the national organization consists of more than 600 groups with 10,000 members in all 50 states and several other countries. As of May 4, 2023, there have been 350,000 quilts awarded.

The November 12, 2023, Huntsville, Alabama ceremony awarded six Quilts if Valor during their ceremony.

Who gets a Quilt of Valor? Any service member or living veteran who served in one of the following branches: army, Marines, Navy, air Force, and Coast Guard. Members of the activated National Guard and activated or active duty-special work (ADSW) reservists are included. The mission statement of QOVF is “To cover Service Members and Veterans touched by war with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor.

Congratulations Doug! Thank you for your service.

Congratulations Tammy! I know this meant a lot to you to honor Doug.

Love you both for your big hearts and willing hands. 

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