Friday, November 24, 2023

Recovery Friday

This has been a busy week with Joe starting work on Monday and Thanksgiving on Thursday. Today, it was nice to kick back, eat leftovers, have time with the grandkids, and take a nap.

I am not sure if it is age or just adjusting to our new daily routine this week that made me feel like I needed a day to recover my energy after a day of celebration. Joe seemed fine. He and Pan went out for their walk around 11:00am when the temperature was around 28 degrees. They had been waiting until it warmed up. Meanwhile, I bundled up in a blanket, read a book, and drifted in and out of sleep in one of the chairs. 

Sometimes I confuse 'tired' with relaxed. Taking time to enjoy a book or watch a movie was rare when I went to work every day. They were luxuries reserved for weekends that were also full of chores and time with friends. Now I have time each day, after the chores, to do whatever I 'feel' like doing. Sometimes I am not sure what I want to do. Since I began volunteering at the thrift store for three hours on Monday and Wednesday, I am back to appreciating the hours at home to do what I want when I want.

My new subscription to a travel and leisure magazine arrived today. Joe asked if I was going to plan a trip. I told him not for a while! I do want to read the magazine, look at the pictures, and see if anything speaks to me. Other than going to Ohio for the 2024 Hudkins family reunion, I would be happy to keep our trips more local in 2024. I want to go to Northern Minnesota and check out the shore of Lake Superior. With Joe's three-day weekends that could be doable. 

Tomorrow, I plan to dig out my pop-up Christmas tree and a small American Girl doll tree from Megan’s childhood and begin decorating our flat for Christmas.

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