Thursday, November 23, 2023

Thanksgiving Day 2023 (Caution: Food Photos)

 Here I sit in a food stupor. Taking a bit of time away from the food and the company to catch a nap. Instead, I completed a ten-minute mediation and decided to start writing about this day. I will need to go back to visiting in the next few minutes.

This was our first Thanksgiving in Minnesota. Last year, Megan and Jeremy drove out to California to join us for dinner. This year we are in their home enjoying a traditional Thanksgiving meal. My best estimate is we have enough food for three or four days.

The menu: Turkey, Ham, dressing, mashed potatoes, grilled Brussel sprouts, yams with brown sugar and marshmallows, gravy, dinner rolls, stuffed mushrooms, green bean casserole, Caesar salad and cranberry sauce. Finger foods before dinner included olives, veggies, onion dip and hummus, cheeses, salami, and pita chips.

Megan did most of the cooking, while Jermey cleaned up behind her. I helped a little bit and kept Megan company as she prepared the food.

Today we met Jeremy’s (step) mom and her partner (note: Jeremy’s dad died several years ago). They live in Minnesota about two hours north of Rockford. Currently they are staying about an hour north at his brother’s farm while the brother and his wife are in Texas visiting family. They are taking care of horses and a dog on the farm.

Over time, Jeremy has shared fond memories of his mom. Meeting her was special: Allowing me the opportunity to put a face to the sweet stories. Jeremy and his sister felt blessed to have her in their lives. I really love that they still consider her a mom to them.

Megan took pictures of the feast and of all of us at the table. I will end today’s writing with the photos.

Pre-dinner goodies

First Turkey I've roasted in over a decade.

The dinner spread!

Megan took a photo of us at the Thanksgiving table.

Charlotte intent on eating her cheesecake.

Caleb trying cheesecake, He was not a fan. He did eat the cherries and whipped cream.

Eggnog. My first time trying 1/2 eggnog and 1/2 Fresca as a drink.

After dinner and guests left, Joe and Charlotte wound down the day with a game of tug-a-war. 

Another version of Tug-of War where Charlotte is whipped around the room on Grandpa's computer chair. When I see them playing Tug-of-War I am reminded of the Shel Silverstein poem.

This seems fitting somehow during these tumultuous times. Grandpa and grandchild engaging in tug-of-war as a form of sweet connection. Charlotte is not one to give her hugs freely, so this is her comfortable way of connecting with Grandpa Joe. And for the rest of the world, let us hug more and tug less.

Finally, a big thank you to Megan and Jeremy for all their work on providing us with a fantastic meal today in their home. We appreciate all they do for us.
Thanksgiving Day, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving!

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