Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Family Night Out - Scandinavian Fare

Today was our first formal "international dining night experience" as a family. Our Christmas gift to our grandkids is a monthly subscription program to Yum boxes. Each month Universal Yums sends a box with a variety of snacks and desserts from one region or country. The December box was Scandinavian. The second part of our gift is that each month we go out to a restaurant that serves food native to the area. We located a restaurant in St. Paul – The Finnish Bistro.

Inside the Yum box was a booklet that included a trivia game and a link to a playlist of Scandinavian music among other games and fun facts. Joe won the trivia game and got a sticker for his efforts. Megan then turned on the playlist and we rocked out!

Charlotte and Caleb in front of the Bistro (photo by Jeremy)

The Bistro is an order at the counter place. We got there about 5:30pm and the restaurant had plenty of seating. We all ordered what we most wanted to try and then shared. Caleb and Charlotte could choose anything from the kids or adult menu that is more conventional American fare with the understanding they will try a bite of everyone else’s order. They both tried everything!

Megan took photos of the food.

Stuffed Lefse with Braised Pork

Meat Pie Dinner (aka Lihapiirakka)

Oatmeal with Berries & Chips (Charlotte)

Hamburger and Chips (Caleb)

Finnish Meatballs (Made with ground hamburger and reindeer)

Gyro Chicken

Then we decided to order desserts. Alot of choices! I took the dessert photo:
Desserts: Top is a slice of Lemon Torte cake
Middle row is a Vanilla Sprinkles Donut, Peppermint Bark sitting atop a Triple Chocolate Cookie,
Front Row: Cheese Danish, Raspberry Lemon Bar and in front on right is a Finnish Prune

Charlotte ordered the donut. Jeremy took this photo as he was sitting across the table form her.
Megan took the photo below (she was sitting next to Megan).
Charlotte ate half of the donut and brought the other half home for later.

We somewhat shared the desserts. Except I don't think anyone got a bite of the donut or of Caleb's triple chocolate cookie.

The kids did not particularly care for the food; however, they could appreciate the experience of trying new foods and dessert was a hit!

In closing today's blog, I will share a photo Jeremy took as he was leaving the Bistro's restroom. The door has a mirror - yep that's Jeremy!


  1. Why do they have to try everyones meal?

    1. To introduce them to new foods. They can say no and if they don't like the taste in their mouth they don't have to swallow - they can spit it out. Oddly enough they both like hot sauces of different levels and like to eat limes. They don't care for potatoes except french fries. It is interesting to watch them as sometimes they will say yuck and then part way through the one bite, they will say, "Hey, I like this!" And sometimes it is the opposite.


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...