Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Speak Mind to Mind

Today marks the one-year anniversary of this blog. Will I make it to two years? I know several family members and friends have told me they regularly read what is going on in the world of Beth. I have been surprised at the people who send me cards or texts and tell me they enjoy reading it. It is very humbling for me to realize that others take time to read what we are up to or to read about my thoughts on a topic.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for the feedback you have shared.

I finished Fairy Tale by Stephen King this afternoon. I love stories about other worlds that exist in another dimension.

There was one paragraph that hit me upside of the head and I kept rereading the words. I was stuck like an old needle on a vinyl record. I could not move past it. I solved the problem by getting up and moving around for a little bit. Later when I picked up the book to continue reading, I avoided the paragraph.

The background: The main character of the story is working with a group of misfits to save a kingdom. In a group situation he realizes that a person who is unable to speak is communicating telepathically with someone else in the group. He wonders why he cannot converse with this person telepathically. He acknowledges his own lack of effort – he never thought to keep his mind open and to pay attention. He figures out that one would need to be receptive and listen when communicating.

The quote from the book: “…That much is true about songs (and many stories) even in my own world. They speak mind to mind, but only if you listen.”

Wow! The idea that stories and songs speak mind to mind but only if you listen is such a simple concept.

I am struck by these words. I have written about ten different paragraphs to explain why. They all sound too judgmental or convoluted. I deleted those words. I am going to have to sit with my thoughts for a while. I wanted to share the sentences with you. Maybe it will resonate in a unique way with you.

I will get back to you in the coming weeks with further thought development.


  1. Only if you listen are the key words here...i find myself and many people only half listen to others....and there is your problem!

  2. You are right about the listening. It has been ingrained in me to give my full attention to conversations. I love words and they are so powerful. On the rare occassion I am only half-listening I stop myself and admit it to the other person. If they think it bears repeating they repeat it. I have fallen asleep in the middle of a guided meditation before and I do it over so that I can get the full impact.


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...