Saturday, December 16, 2023

One December Day

Megan’s gingerbread stadium featuring the Minnesota Gophers.

Today, Megan and I got out of the house for a few hours. She needed to run an errand and invited me to tag along. We stopped for lunch and chatted for an hour and a half before heading back to Rockford. I always enjoy the time to visit with her.

Then I came home and took a nap. I think I require naps because of the weather. It was not cold today, but it was damp, and the skies were grey. Maybe it is not the weather, maybe my body is making up for all the years I got five to six hours of sleep each night. Now I am paying back the sleep bank.

It is hard to believe Christmas is almost here. I still have a few gifts to get delivered but our shopping is done. In fifteen days, I will be celebrating one year of retirement.

Someone asked me the other day, “Is retirement what you expected it would be?” My response was, “Yes, it is better than I expected.” Last year at this time I was concerned if retirement would be for me. Having worked for so long and having no hobbies, I was uncertain how my days would look. There is still a part of me that wrestles with the idea that I can do whatever I want most days. You know idle hands can get up to no good.

Now my daily goals are to make sure I am moving my body at least five thousand steps each day, that I am getting enough fiber in my diet to improve my cholesterol and challenging my brain not to turn to mush. A good day is when I accomplish all three goals.

This year was meant to be my year of transformation. I should have chosen the word transition. It is all good though. It is not like I stop transforming because it is the end of the year.

I just realized it is a good thing I do not use emojis in my blog. I am often, in my head, wanting to insert a laughing face, or rolling eyes, or abbreviations for sayings like laugh out loud. I stop myself though as I think it would end up looking like a pictogram and people reading my blog would spend all their time trying to decipher my writings. Hieroglyphics worked for the Egyptians.

I suspect that there are not too many people in my circle of family and friends who read this blog for the challenge. It is challenging enough to figure out what I am saying when I use words. (Yes, I would put an LOL at the end of this sentence).

I think I have reached my silly phase today and my granddaughter, Charlotte, is not here to be silly with me. I am going to offset my silliness by reading a bit of Stephen King’s Fairy Tale before bed. Scare the silly right out of me.

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