Friday, December 15, 2023

Gingerbread Houses: The Next Generation

When Lauren and Megan were still at home, we began a family tradition of decorating gingerbread houses. Joe would bake the Gingerbread and mix up the frosting. I bought candy to decorate the houses. Our girls really enjoyed the creative process. 

This year we wanted to start the tradition with Caleb and Charlotte. Jeremy and Megan picked up prefabricated houses at Walmart. I bought extra candy. Megan bought a stadium gingerbread kit for herself.

Tonight, we were able to finally sit down as a family and decorate the houses. Joe and I were the official encouragers. Megan built her stadium on the kitchen island while the rest of us sat at the kitchen table. Jeremy sat next to Charlotte and helped her when she needed assistance. His job was primarily to make sure the Scottie dog did not keep falling off the roof while Charlotte continued to decorate. Jeremy is also an expert frosting squeezer. Caleb independently decorated. 

Caleb went with the minimalist approach at the beginning of the process. About 30 minutes in he announced he had finished. There were about twenty pieces of candy on the entire house. Megan and I let him know that he had just started. I showed him photos of decorated gingerbread houses and explained the idea was to cover the house with candy. We also threw out the idea that decorating the gingerbread house helps us all to get in the holiday spirit. Megan tossed in how she used frosting to make snow on her house and the grounds around it.

Ultimately what appeared to motivate Caleb was the idea that Megan would get his left-over frosting for her football stadium project. At that point Caleb decided he was going to use every drop of frosting on his house. Which should be a clue that Megan knows this kid! Add a bit of competitiveness and Caleb is in the game until the very bloody end.

I will let you judge for yourself how tonight’s masterpieces turned out.

Charlotte, Jeremy, and Caleb decorating their gingerbread houses  

Grandma observing the process.

Caleb begins the 'blizzard' process of gingerbread house decorating. This is
unique to Caleb. He got excited when the frosting looked like icicles hanging down.

Charlotte's finished house.

Caleb's finished house.

Oh yes, and we did have fun!

Happy Holidays!

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