Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Cold Days Ahead and Joyful Moments

It is not hard to understand why Minnesota, the Land of Lakes, is a fishing haven. I grew up in Ohio and my dad loved fishing. He started us fishing young on the lakes and rivers in Ohio. My three brothers, Kenny, Jeff, and Todd love fishing.

Before 1989, when my dad was still alive, when I would go home to visit there was usually a fishing trip involved. It was fun to fish with my dad. While visiting my brothers this past spring and summer I did not go fishing. Jeff and Kathy (his spouse) did take us out on their boat for a few hours and that was an awesome treat.

This morning one of my co-volunteers, Steve, at the thrift store was sharing fishing stories with me. It was interesting to hear. With more snow, I am beginning to hear more about ice fishing. Beginning this Friday, the highs for the days ahead are looking like this:

Ahhh. This explains why everyone is getting excited! All those back-to-back days of low temperatures will mean the lakes and rivers will freeze over.

As I was leaving the thrift store today, Paula asked me if I was going ice fishing this weekend. I told her no, "I plan to stay in where it is warm!" She laughed. In fact, as Joe read the coming temperatures to me last night, I told him we were going out to do our errands on Friday. While it was still warm. I guess I am acclimating to Minnesota when I think a high of 7 degrees is still warm. It is all relative, of course.

About fishing in general, Steve, agreed to hook me up with his son, grandson, or a nephew (my brain was listening but I missed the exact relationship, and it could have been all three as he mentioned stories about each of them) who is an ace bass fisherman and recently kept track for a year of how many fish he caught. Keep in mind that fishing season is generally over by September here. His goal was one thousand fish and when challenged that he could not have kept track of every fish he went with a new goal of 1020 to account for any percentage of error. The reason I wanted a connection is if Jeff and Kathy want to go fishing while they are here this coming June, they can go out with someone who knows the best places.

I really appreciate it when the people I meet share stories with me.

My joyful moments came today while volunteering. The volunteers are always willing to help each other. We have people with physical limitations and other volunteers will bring them what they need to sort or to hang clothes. I do have favorite volunteers already. People that I always enjoy seeing because they are kind and funny in addition to working hard at the thrift store.

Jean is one of my favorite people to volunteer with. She happens to be married to Steve who I am also fond of these days and not just because of the fishing connection. Steve cracks me up with his droll sense of humor. Jean is a joy because she has the most energetic commitment of anyone, I have ever met to the volunteer work she does. That energy and enthusiasm is contagious. I enjoy being in her space.


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