Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Communicating with Friends

The joy of friendship. Yesterday, I had a lovely online chat with my best friend Kim and got a handwritten letter in the mail from my best friend Ginger. A woman can have more than one best friend! I love both fiercely and we have so much life shared among the three of us.

In the past we have all tried to get in at least one three-day weekend away together. During COVID that was difficult. On one of our weekends away, these are the women who looked down at me while I was laying on the ground having tripped. Their sympathetic remark? “Do we get Joe in your will?” They waited until I responded before offering me a helping hand. (I know, I know, they just wanted me to have an opportunity to catch my breath. They were not really holding out for my yes answer).

I survived obviously.

The letter from Ginger had me laughing and sighing in equal measures. The plights of our age are far different than our plights in our thirties when she had moved to Georgia for three years and we kept up a steady correspondence. Now we have computers, and we could email each other, text, or do a virtual chat. The letter though really filled my heart. I am hoping that when I sit down to write her later today and tomorrow that I will have remembered how to hand write my thoughts on a piece of paper.

I still write things down – but a four-page letter? Making thoughts flow through a pen instead of letting the words flow through my fingers? Let us see how that goes. 

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