Thursday, January 18, 2024

Miss Charlotte Turns Eight in Style

Megan and I took Charlotte to a nail salon this afternoon to celebrate Charlotte's 8th birthday (tomorrow is her actual birthday). Charlotte did well at sitting and soaking her feet while Megan and I had pedicures. A coloring program on Grandma's phone kept her entertained. Once the nail ladies finished with us, they descended upon Charolotte - one person on nails and the other on toes.

My moment of joy today was watching Charlotte enjoy her birthday gift
from Grandma Beth and Grandpa Joe - pampering time!

Charlotte had fun picking our nail colors. And when you want two colors you
find a way to use two colors! Gold on the right hand and solver on the left. Charlotte told Megan she would like a gold bar for her birthday. Wouldn't we all?

Charlotte's pretty toes! Flowers included.

Tomorrow and Saturday will be more celebrations for Charlotte. Cupcakes at school for tomorrow. School treats are so much different than when our children were in school. Now the treats can only be store bought and must be baked in a peanut-free facility. There are also limitations for other ingredients that Megan had to follow when she purchased the cupcakes. Saturday will be a party at a Nickelodeon Universe at Mall of America for Charlotte and four of her friends. Caleb will also go along and take a neighborhood friend.

Charlotte’s birthday celebration started yesterday when she had one of her school friends over after school. The little girl’s family had plans for the weekend, so her mom made a point to have her daughter spend time to celebrate with Charlotte. She brought Charlotte a gemstone digging gift that we worked on this evening. We might have made a mess, but we had a fun time uncovering the treasures.

Tomorrow Joe and I have a busy day of appointments and shopping. The weather is expected to be cold with a low of -2 and a high of six. We may get lucky and there will be no wind.

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