Monday, January 15, 2024

Looking For Joy In The Everyday

 This little critter is a brb from the Finch app I use to stay in touch with my mental health and to connect to a couple of other people using the application.  I appreciated this message of looking for the joy in the everyday.

I like the hanging laundry in the background. Honestly, the only joy I have associated with laundry is when it is dried, folded, and put away. Preferably by someone else. Joe is called the Laundry Fairy by friends. Even when I do the laundry, he gets the credit. That is okay with me. I would not want people to think I might do their laundry for them. Well, I probably would do it for them if it helped them out…

I do find joy in other everyday tasks though. I feel joy after my Yoga workout is complete. Glad it is done for another day, glad that I am one step closer to staying healthy, and glad that I feel taller.

I feel joy after my steps reach my target goal each day. It means I can have a nap or read a book or as is often the case – both. I will fall asleep for a bit while reading.

I feel joy at the end of my shift at the thrift store. I enjoy the time listening to other people around me chat. They are lovely people who are volunteering their time to support food programs that serve people with needs in the community. In the sorting of who knows how many articles of clothing, I feel I have come to understand a little about the culture of the region through their choice of clothing. I have also seen biases revealed when deciding what to keep and what not to keep. My own biases and others.

I feel joy in the simple act of dropping Joe off at work four morning each week. I feel more joy at the end of the day when I pick him up.

I feel joy having dinner with Megan, Jeremy, and the kids during the week. It is lovely having a gathering place each day with people I love.

My joy comes from a place of gratitude.

And now I am going to go fold laundry…

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