Monday, January 8, 2024

Snow and Ice Day

Scene in our neighborhood at 12:40pm today. That's the road we live on. It was clear when I 
left to volunteer at 9:15am. It started snowing sometime around 9:30 am. Snow is expected
again this evening around 5:00pm with snow forecasted through Thursday of this week.

The fir tree in front of Megan's house. I love the fresh snow laying
on the needles. So beautiful.

It is still snowing outside with flurries forecast all day and night. I will go out to pick Joe up from work this evening, he gets off at 7:00pm, and I am hoping the roads stay clear. I saw my first snowplow of the season on my way home from volunteering. I am not sure if the snowplows plow in Megan’s subdivision.

Joe dug out my hiking boots from our packed goods. My tennis shoes do not have grooved soles and are cloth. My hiking boots worked out – no sliding on the ice while climbing into the car on the sloping driveway. Leaving the thrift store the parking lot was covered in snow and ice and my boots once again saved me from falling. The parking area is uphill from the volunteer work area, and I did not slide back down the hill! That was a plus. I was prepared to fall. I have a plan to tuck and roll. I hope I never have to use the plan. NEVER!

I am delighted that Joe got snow tires despite people telling him it was not necessary. We both feel safer driving in snow.

I arrived at the car safely and then had to use our snow broom to remove snow from all the car windows. That meant walking around the car. Another opportunity to fall. I did not!

It is pathetic when my only goal for the day is to NOT fall while outside. My plan for the rest of the day is to read… inside… until I pick Joe up from work.



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