Tuesday, January 23, 2024

What "Kid Stuff" Do You Still Enjoy as an Adult?

What “kid stuff” do you still enjoy as an adult?

This question comes from the Delve Deck. I thought about this and decided to look at it from the viewpoint of what I enjoyed as a kid that I still enjoy to this day. This seems easier than figuring out what is kid stuff and what is adult stuff.

Here goes:

Coloring. I still enjoy coloring whether it is on my phone app or with markers or crayons in a physical coloring book.

Ice cream. When we were growing up there was an ice cream place in Defiance and we could get a small cone for five cents. When our family would go to town to see my Karnes grandparents we would stop once a month and get a small ice cream cone. My parents got the big cone for ten cents. For under fifty cents we had an awesome treat for the entire family.

Going to the drive-in. Okay, I have not been to the drive-in for years, but I loved it and would still go if there was a local drive-in. I enjoyed sitting in the privacy of our car and watching movies. Back in the 1960’s the cost for movies was for the entire carload. Mom would make popcorn at home and put it in big brown paper bags One for dad and her in the front seat and one bag for the kids in the backseat. We did not take water or soda because that meant a trip to the bathroom during the movie instead of at intermission. There were cartoons before the movie and often there was a second movie. We did not purchase food from the concession stand as it was too expensive for our budget. I can remember the drive-in area had small stones on the ground. I remember walking barefoot across them to get to the bathroom.

Swinging. The kind where you sit in a swing and pump your legs to get as high as possible in the sky. I loved swings! When I see a swing at the park, I cannot resist. Though it was easier when I was slender!

Hanging out with my cousins. As an adult I recognize how blessed I was to have so many cousins and getting to spend time playing and hanging out with them. Admittedly, I was often the cousin with her nose stuck in a book. As an adult, I still enjoy spending time with my cousins.

Picking berries off a bush and eating them fresh. The Karnes grandparents in Defiance had a berry bush in their yard. I remember my brother Kenny and I picking berries and eating them. I still enjoy picking fresh berries.

Bicycle Riding. We lived out in the countryside while I was in fourth through sixth grade. I would ride my bicycle in large circles in front of our house on the road for hours. I daydreamed about what my life would be like an adult. I wrote stories in my head. I still enjoy bicycle riding as an adult.

Playing on the stairs in cousins' homes. I don't get to do this now but I would if I could! Sliding down the rail, going down the stairs on a cardboard slide, taking two stairs at a time. Lot's of fun times on the stairs.  

My moment of joy today was reminiscing about my childhood.

What “kid stuff” do you still enjoy as an adult?

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