Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Something is Right All Of The Time

What is something that actually went right for you recently?

Today’s prompt is a random draw from the Delve Deck.

The first thing that came to mind when I saw this question is that I am not one to judge whether something is right or wrong in my life. It just IS. I just deal with whatever comes up and do not really give it much thought as to whether it was right or wrong. If the “something” unpleasant is caused by my own action, I will think on it and see how I can change future outcomes by modifying my own behavior.

Sure, crappy things happen like earlier this month when I ran into the car parked across the street. In the whole scheme of life though it is inconsequential. Nobody was hurt. The car I hit is getting fixed. The woman has been nice throughout the process.

It is the addition of the word ‘actually’ which raises my hackles. When I read it, I infer that right things do not happen often. I know that is not true. My life has been blessed.

Maybe this question is meant for pessimists? A way to get someone who is perpetually seeing the glass half full to try to produce something positive to think about. Maybe it is meant for someone who has had a string of bad days, to remind them that it is possible they had a good moment during those bad days.

Maybe I need to save this card for another day when I may not feel so cheerful.

My moments of joy came today after Charlotte finished her homework and came downstairs to play games with me. Today we played chasing and spinning games that were a form of red light/green light. The first round I “controlled” her by telling her which way to spin and when to freeze. The second round she “controlled” me by having me chase her through the flat and I had to stop when she said stop and then continue the chase when she said go. This was a new game she made up today. She got to spin longer than I had to chase.

When I told her, “Grandma needs to rest. You made me do exercise.” She looked at me and responded, “Exercise is good for you! It keeps you healthy.”

Everyone needs an eight-year-old life coach.

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