Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Prepping for World Thinking Day

I was already in bed when I remembered I had not written today’s blog entry. I tried writing it using my cell phone and that was not working out well at all. The blog program kept slipping into the layout mode and that confuses the heck out of me, so I dragged my tired body out of bed to travel the fifty or so steps to the laptop. Pretty pathetic on my part. It may give you an idea of how tired I am.

What could wear me out so much in the life of retirement? How about six eight-year-old Brownies? I am helping this week with Megan’s Girl Scout Brownie troop as they prepare for World Thinking Day which is celebrated this Thursday night in Rockford. Megan and Amber, the troop leaders are both unavailable on Thursday night so another mom and I, as registered helpers, get to lead the charge.

World Thinking Day is an opportunity for the girls to learn about a different country and make a presentation to other troops. Our troop learned about Mexico. Tonight they learned facts, wrote them out, and created a poster board to present. They also decided they would count to ten in Spanish as the verbal part of their presentation. I will try to get photos of their poster on Thursday night.

I really did not physically do a lot during tonight’s meeting except to help when Megan needed it. Same for Amber and the other mom. Still the energy bouncing around in that huge room was enough for this introvert to want to come home and go to sleep.

I did enjoy watching the girls engage in learning about Mexico. When you are eight years old, writing out facts takes quite a bit of concentration. They did it though! One of the girls wrote out about five different facts and seemed to love every minute of it. Our Charlotte wrote out two facts but preferred wielding the glue stick as she glued facts to construction paper before they were added to the poster board.

The girls were especially excited to learn all about the Axolotl, a Mexican amphibian. The Axolotl happens to be the 2024 Girl Scout Cookie mascot. While they managed to get other facts on their poster like population, sports (futbol is number 1), the girl scout oath of Mexico, coca cola as the number 1 drink (different formula than the United States), they have an entire panel dedicated to the Axolotl.

 My joyful moment today was watching my little girl, now a woman, work to engage the girls and showing an infinite amount of patience. She has got this!

If you want to learn more about World Thinking Day: https://www.girlscouts.org/en/members/for-girl-scouts/ways-to-participate/global-girl-scouts/world-thinking-day.html

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