Monday, February 19, 2024

Heart Happy

I am so happy! Megan has booked a flight for her best friend, Shasta, to come out to Minnesota the weekend of March 8th. Shasta is bringing us our cat, Alto, and to spend a couple of days. We are excited to see both of them!

We will need to keep Alto downstairs with us as Charlotte is allergic to cats. Making it work until we can get our own place is important to all of us. Poor Rufio will have the toughest time though as his visits to the flat will be limited. He still sleeps with Jeremy and Megan but hangs out with us during parts of the day.

My moment of joy for today is knowing that Alto will be reunited with us in a few weeks!

Forgive any typos or grammar errors. I wrote this late on my mobile phone. No spell check or editor available.

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