Wednesday, March 6, 2024

A Day in the Life of A Home Seller

I was up into the wee hours of the morning working on disclosure information on the Woodland house. This is exhausting work trying to recall everything about the house for a thirty-three plus year period. Beginning to wonder if I am taking it too seriously. I kept incredibly detailed records over the years, and I still struggled. When we buy our home here, I am going to do things a bit differently so that it may be easier to fill out future disclosures. I may start with a word document that lists every repair or improvement as it occurs.

Next up will be the buyer’s inspection reports to see what may have developed over the past year. There are so many unseen things that go on in a house. We have kept up pest control service for years so should not be seeing any termites or other infestations! The inspections are this Friday.

Only twenty-one more days and we will be ready to close escrow. Inshallah (Arabic for God Willing).

I just discovered It is only Wednesday. Now that Joe is not going to work, I am back to not knowing what day of the week it is. I at least have developed the habit of looking at my Google calendar in the morning and that helps me know what is planned for the day. It may not be important what day of the week it is as long as I still accomplish what I want to accomplish.

Today’s joyful moments occurred during the 90-minutes of virtual visiting with my friend Jen, this morning. Being in her space, even virtually, lifts my spirit and replenishes me. If she were my neighbor, she would move because I would be climbing the fence to talk with her every opportunity.

Tomorrow morning, we are meeting with our local realtor to review our want list for our home here. Our list of needs/wants changed over time. I keep hoping I will “know” when the house is the right fit for us. We wanted a rambler with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, and they are rarely on the market in this area. The ramblers that are showing up are two bedroom, two bathrooms which feels too small to me. The most common house seems to be three- and four-level. We had thought we needed to avoid the stairs. Could we be looking at this all wrong and climbing the stairs would be better for us? Keep us moving?


  1. Hold out for a rancher. Maybe you can find a bargain 2/2 and add a 1 BR extension? Do you really need 3 BRs? Maybe smaller would be easier and less expensive. We went from three stories to two. But I wish we didn't have stairs. The stairs make me procrastinate--a lot.

    1. The truth is we love having room for the grandkids to stay and I want to have more than 2 bedrooms. Building is expensive - even adding a room can be costly. Then there is the permitting and working with contractors. The good news is we just came from a meeting with our broker and she has a home not on the market yet that she loves for us - it is the high end of what we want to spend BUT the owner is a woodworker who customized all of the cabinetry. It also has a home shop which would work well for Joe's shop. It is a tri-level but only a few manageable steps to each level. We also have been keeping an eye on a property for a couple of months that is four-level to see if it would be manageable. Ramblers/Ranch hitting the market look like mobile homes (they are not). In addition to practical, "feel" is important to me. If I drive up to a rambler/ranch every day and feel like I am entering a mobile home (which I could buy for 1/3 of the price of the home) I know I'll begrudge the price. Anyway, all of this to say we are hoping to tour three homes in the next two or three days and then I can rule out what will or won't work for us.


Musk's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Tesla stock continues to plummet, and sales aren’t exactly setting the world on fire either. Today, SpaceX’s latest Starship test flight end...