Saturday, March 30, 2024

Cookies and Communications

Megan baked and decorated the most beautiful cookies for Easter. She gave us all a sneak peek and taste this afternoon. 

Joe measured the cookies for us: they are 3-3/4" long by 
3-1/8" wide at their widest points.

Not sure one can tell the size from the photo. She tried a different recipe than the standard sugar cookie recipe she has used in the past and she has changed up her frosting recipe as well. Joe and I both thought they were excellent. Joe immediately told her she should sell them! I was thinking the same thing and agreed. I am glad he said it first because I know sometimes when 'mom' tells an adult child something they may think it is just 'mom' talking. When dad (or in this case Daddy Joe) says it, it may feel more authentic.

Megan, Jeremy, Caleb, Charlotte, Pan, and Rufio went today for a photoshoot today. The photographer had done their wedding photos earlier this month (still to come). This shoot was to get photos of the kids and the dogs together. No, the dogs and Alto (the cat) did NOT attend the wedding. Megan took a few of her Easter cookies to the photographer as a thank you. The photographer told her she should be selling the cookies.

If Megan charges us for our cookies, I will let you know. I am waiting until she bakes cookies for the Minnesota Gophers (the football team, not like gophers you could find in your garden). 

I spent the good part of two hours today setting up internet service for our new home to start on April 19th and changing from AT&T as a phone provider to the new service. The same service will cost us about one-third of what we paid through AT&T for all the same levels of service. I was trying to find a communications company that does not give money to the Republican superPACs in support of former President Donald Trump and had no luck. Maybe if I am paying two-thirds less though it is less money they can hand over for political contributions. I did quite a bit of research on this and found that if you Google "most liberal cell companies" and "most conservative cell companies" the same companies pop up under both. This is where I also learned that there are cell companies affiliated with certain religious organizations as well. Makes my head spin. Ignorance is better??!!

Tomorrow's writing will be all about our international dinner out planned for this evening.



1 comment:

  1. Definitely Megan should sell cookies! Look absolutely professional and probably taste a while lot better than store bought!


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...