Friday, March 29, 2024

The Calm Before the Packing Storm

Joe and I treated Charlotte and Caleb to lunch today at Rockford Roadhouse, a new restaurant. It opened about ten days ago and has been crowded every day since then. We ate an early lunch around 11:15am and by the time we left at 12:15pm the place was filling up. Tomorrow night we have our Ukrainian dinner out.

Other than reading for a bit, scheduling our radon system installation at the new house for after we move in, emails back and forth with finance and title people, re-estimating our 2024 federal taxes, and helping Joe close out his retirement account at KingSpan, I have been relaxing. Relaxing is good. Tomorrow I am going to start emptying drawers and packing items we do not expect to use in the next three weeks.

This time I will not inventory what is in the new boxes I am packing. It is a short drive for the movers, and we plan to unpack everything. We are using Girl Scout cookie case boxes so we will know it is stuff we want to unpack first. We may even take those boxes over when we get the key on the 19th and unpack them the weekend before everything else arrives on the Monday.

I am looking forward to not living out of boxes!

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