Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Crazy Making

I am making myself crazy. We learned today that escrow for the California house closes on Thursday - it was moved up by one day. This is good news.

The crazy part is that I am having difficulty keeping myself distracted from thinking about it. I know that thinking about it does not speed up any part of the process. 

Can one develop Attention Deficit Disorder at the age of almost sixty-eight? Reading, watching a movie, reading the news, NONE of it creates a distraction. I have two spreadsheets - one for the sale of the California house and one for the purchase of the Minnesota house - that are so fine-tuned and linked that a change in one cent on either one is automatically calculated on the other. For some reason, a spreadsheet makes me feel like I have control over the process.

The anxiety around this is silly. The rational me knows this. Have you ever been so fixated on an outcome that you made yourself crazy?


  1. Yes, when the kids were young and things happened I would rearrange the living room furniture so I could deep clean . I couldn't do that by myself now because the furniture is too heavy. It's so much easier to go thrift store window shopping!!

    1. Nancy - shopping is not a bad idea! I have items I want to purchase for the new house. I do not want to have to move it though so plan to wait until we move in. I COULD create a room by room layout though of how I want the furniture arranged...


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