Monday, March 25, 2024

Mundane Monday

At the end of the week the house sale at 10 Southwood should close. Sometimes it feels like it has taken forever. Other times it is hard to believe how quickly the time had flown.

I stayed in the house today and read and napped. I did not sleep at all last night and so felt challenged to keep my eyes open today. A catnap here and there helped to keep me from acting mean toward Joe. He kept interrupting the little catnaps to ask me a question (which way does the shower curtain rod get hung up?) and to tell me about a windshield wiper part we can pick up at Subaru next week. I guess he did not get the memo that I was a bit on the crabby side since I had not slept during the night.

It may have been the coffee. I had stopped drinking coffee for about five weeks. It was not intentional. I just did not have a desire for any caffeine. Yesterday I had two cups of coffee. I should sleep well tonight since I am sleep deprived at this point.

The house buyer is doing a walk through of the 10 Southwood house tonight. I am trying to stay awake to hear how that went. I am keeping my fingers crossed that all is well.

Joe and I booked a trip to Alaska for August 2025. That is the only trip left on my bucket list. It will be a combination of flight, train, and ship. This is the first cruise Joe and I have ever gone on. Not counting Joe’s days on icebreakers and a three-hundred-foot research vessel in his early twenties when he worked for Scripps Institute of Oceanography. We anticipate this ship will be a little more luxurious.

That is all the news for now!

1 comment:

  1. Wish you would be coming through my neck of the woods in Alaska, but if you are doing the flight/train/ship type trip, you probably won’t be coming through Southeast Alaska where we live. I’m sure you will love the trip though. So excited for you and your new home!


Words Matter

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