Thursday, March 14, 2024

Self-Care & Daily Update

Increasingly over the years I have discovered a stronger need for self-care than I did in prior years. I like the Self-Care Resolutions above. They help to keep me calm.

I find myself tapping into self-care a lot over the past week as we maneuver selling one house and buying another.

In other news, our house closing here has moved out to April 19th at the request of the sellers.

I have been getting insurance quotes and comparing them to determine the best package for our needs. Right off the bat we have all three insurance companies quoting different Dwelling Replacement Costs. Each tells me they cannot budge off that number, that it is based on what it costs to build the house today. This number is used to determine the base premium cost to us. Then there is the insurer with the 1% deductible of the insured amount for roof replacement due to hail and/or wind. We would pay $6900 out of pocket as a deductible for the number one reason people get a roof replacement – weather damage.

This is why I need self-care, to offset dealing with insurance.

Yesterday, Caleb came down to visit with Alto. Since Alto is currently confined to our bedroom, Caleb likes me go to see Alto as well. Caleb sat on the bed while I sat on a nearby chair. I admire what a patient young man Caleb is as he watches her and lets Alto take the lead. He sits quietly in the middle of the bed, looking and talking to me. Alto, meanwhile, moves closer and closer to Caleb until she is close enough to rub her head and body against him. He does not reach out to her; she moves to another part of his body and goes through the rubbing again. Alto repeats this until she gets bored and wanders off. Caleb talks to me the entire time. Totally ignoring Alto but he has a smile on his face that grows bigger when she “marks” him as her boy.

Charlote came down to read to me a bit ago. Charlotte has always wanted a kitten; however, she is allergic to their dander. Today, I introduced her to Alto. Charlotte and I stood inside the door. Alto was laying on the bed. When we walked in the room, Alto came to the end of the bed, and I introduced them. Charlotte stood slightly behind me as if she were prepared to make a mad dash. Alto just sat and looked at Charlotte. Alto believes she (Alto) is royalty and the rest of us are her staff. (Oh wait, we are!).

As we left the room, Charlotte told me that she was afraid Alto might leap at her. I assured her that Alto is not a “leaping at people” kind of cat. It was a brief introduction.

My moment of joy for today would have to be listening to Charlotte read aloud. I love the way she adds inflection to the sentences. She is at the age where it is still an effort. Sometimes she will read the sentence and then go back and re-read it with inflection. Those re-read sentences melt my heart. She sure knows the way to this grandma’s heart – treat those words right!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Charlotte, Caleb and Alto are all helping with your goal of self -care.


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...