Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Signing Paperwork and Quality Time with the Grandchildren

Joe and I met with a notary today to sign the seller’s paperwork for our house in California. That was a treat to have finished. Everything still is on track for a March 29th closing date. Nine more days!

Megan came down late this afternoon to see if Alto wanted to come out of the bedroom. She left the door open, and Alto stayed in the room. No damn dogs for her!

After dinner, this evening, Caleb and Charlotte came down to visit Alto. Charlotte started itching within about ten minutes from just being in the room where Alto spends all her time. Alto tries to rub up against Caleb and stays clear of Charlotte.

Caleb and I sat in the room while Alto watched us, and Caleb watched her. Caleb taught me all kinds of interesting facts about mammals, arachnids, and reptiles. He wanted to know my favorite in each category. Then he would reel off the biggest critter in each category. I learned that a Daddy Long Legs is not a spider. I asked him how he knew all this stuff and he said, “I get curious, so I research what I want to know.” I love his desire to research and learn what he wants to know.

Charlotte is trying to finish her girl scout cookie goal. She is still about forty boxes away. Saturday is the last day for her to sell. Megan has her scheduled for a 7:00 am booth that morning. Charlotte informed us that she plans to get up at 1:00am to be ready. Nobody said much about that. Not anything we want to encourage!

We are all ready for cookie season to be over until next year. The season is longer for Megan since she does prep work before and ties up the reporting after the season ends. AS the cookie mom for her troop and as a co-cookie manager for the council, she has her hands full. This year to encourage the girls in her troop to improve their sales, Megan also attended booths with girls whose parents have multiple girls in scouts. Anyway, we are counting down the days.

The grandkids start Spring break this Friday. We will enjoy getting to spend more time with them. Snow is forecast so maybe we will get enough for sledding.


  1. Sounds like you've settled in to your new environment. I can't even imagine snow on Easter( or any time here), it's finally flip flop and capri weather here.

    1. 100% chance of snow today! At least that is the forecast. Two days into Spring and we are supposed to get 2 to 5 inches.


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...