Sunday, March 10, 2024


On Friday, Joe and I toured four homes with our real estate agent, Anne Monroe. Split levels are extremely popular here in the region, so it was good to get inside the homes to see if a multi-level could work for us. All four homes we toured were 4-level. Each home and their stair system were different.

The first house was right here in Rockford and the least expensive of the homes we toured. The online photos did not do it justice. It looked better than the photos. Still, it would have needed about $80,000 to $100,000 to get it up to date. The small sized room and the layout made it feel like walking through a maze. After we ruled it out, Joe said it reminded him of the Winchester House in California.

The second house has been on our watch list for the past couple of months. Located in Greenfield about ten minutes from Megan and Jeremy. This house has one and a half acres of land with a chicken coup. We thought the asking price was higher than warranted given it also needs extensive repair work. The kitchen and dining areas are small, it has a great sitting area near the kitchen and a large family room we found appealing. The master bedroom is on its own level with an office area as well. The rest of the bedrooms need serious work. The house has a well and septic system instead of city utilities. We decided that would not work for us.

When we got back in the car, I discovered a new listing had popped up. It was in Buffalo about 16 minutes from Megan and Jeremy. Our goal has been to stay within 10 – 15 minutes of the kids in case they needed something in an emergency. The house has a slight view of Buffalo Lake. Anne had other appointments so she said she would try to schedule for us to see it in the late afternoon. This was the house we were touring when Megan frantically called about having left her purse at home with no time to get to Rockford and back by 4:30pm.

After running Anne’s blank check to the courthouse to pay the judge to perform Jeremy and Megan’s marriage ceremony, we were able to get back into the house to finish our tour. It had a staircase to one level that made me understand why everyone advised no stairs! It was horrendous. Narrow and steep with about fifteen steps. While it was the best house of all the ones we had toured so far and the price was right it did not feel like, “the one.” And those stairs ruled it out.

We had one more house to look at and while the chance that we would want it was slim, Joe thought we should tour it so we could rule it out for certain. Late last week this “coming soon” listing popped up that was in St. Michaels, about 15 minutes northwest of Megan and Jeremy. There were no photos of the interior; the description though was of great interest. A one-owner home custom built in 1989. That weekend we drove over to see what the yard looked like and ruled it out because we thought the yard might be too small. We could not get a good look at it though – it would be rude and scary for the owners to have someone walk around their home and into the backyard! The asking price was at the top of our budget, and we had said we would only use the top end of the budget if the house was an absolute, “Yes this is perfect for us.” The interior photos popped up earlier this week and I felt sad that we had ruled it out because of the yard.


I am glad Joe insisted we tour the home anyway – the yard could be bigger than anticipated. Anne had to make a quick stop, so we arrived at the house about ten minutes before her. Enough time for Joe to walk the property (our appointment started at 5:00pm and it was 5:10 pm – so the owners were not at home). Joe told me the yard would work for his needs (a small garden) and that in fact with the built-in sprinkler system he would have less work than at the other properties.

We walked into the house and that was it. The perfect house. Yes, it is 4-level; however, the layout is such that it is short manageable sets of steps to the various levels. The entryway, a half bath, the kitchen, dining room, living room, and sunroom are located on the main level. Only a step up to the front porch and a step up to the front door. Manageable. If one of us becomes disabled we can make the sunroom into a bedroom – it has sliding wood doors (pocket doors) to shut it off from the kitchen, Everything in this home is quality. Nothing is “make do.” Love and time have been poured into the home. After we finished the tour, I sat in the dining area while Joe walked the outdoor property with Anne. The house enveloped me in its warmth. I am in love. Joe appreciates that the house needs no updates or and we anticipate minor repairs. Two retaining walls are in the process of being replaced and if the work is not completed before we can move in, the current owners will put one and a half times the cost in an escrow account to cover the work.

Would he have chickens on this property? No. It is not fenced, and since it is in a neighborhood where each house looks well-maintained; they would not appreciate chickens.

As I am writing this narrative, we found out we are going to be the new owners! I am beyond excited. Now it is a matter of timing- that our house closes on March 29th as planned. Our escrow on the house here is set for April 8th.

This is the first time I have been through my own selling of a home and the purchasing of a home. Joe had bought our home before we were married in 1994. I have been through Megan’s purchase of her first home, the sale of that home, and the purchase of her home now. I admit I am feeling anxious that everything happens as scheduled.

Sometime after April, give us a bit of time to get in and settled, you all should come for a visit. We will have room! I will post the listing for the new house on my Facebook page (Facebook friends only) for those who (like me) are curious.


  1. Congratulations. So glad you found something you love

  2. What a beautiful house! It’s huge!! Fred wanted to be sure Joe had room for his garden. Looks like he does! You certainly will have room for lots of company! Fred approves! Congrats!


Words Matter

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