Monday, March 11, 2024


My cousin Joan, wrote to me this week, “Lots of good news from your family this week.” It has been an amazing week. And all of it seemed to happen so fast.

I thought Megan and Jeremy made the decision to get married two weeks ago, Megan told me today that they made the decision to get married eight days before Shasta was visiting. Which explains why she forgot her purse. I would have forgotten the groom.

We received notes and congratulations from friends and family about Megan and Jeremy’s marriage and the house we are purchasing on Facebook. Thank you all for your comments. I am serious when I say come see us! One of the things that we most appreciate is visiting with people and providing an oasis for them to rest and enjoy time in the area. On our grand adventure across the country last year, we were able to be on the receiving end of incredible amounts of hospitality. I want to be able to repay, and pay, the hospitality forward.

One of the things I appreciate most about our new home is that there will be nooks and crannies where people can go for privacy to read, meditate, or just have quiet time. I imagine little sitting areas of quiet throughout the house. We are in a cul-de-sac, so the traffic is mostly residents and their guests. For those requiring action you can cook in our kitchen or weed Joe’s garden.

And the kitchen! Oh my God, I cannot wait to cook in the kitchen. I have plans. Nothing like being without our own kitchen since last March to make me appreciate a kitchen. I want to bake. I may even experiment with making meals to freeze for busy days and last-minute guests when I would rather spend time together with them than cook or go out to dinner.

Someone asked about cleaning that big of a space. I am not too worried. We will not be living in every part of the house 24/ 7 so making sure we dust and tidy up before we have guests is doable. We already clean up after ourselves as we go along. Our ‘living space’ should be good.

I just looked around our flat and realized someone might think it looks a bit cluttered. Which is why I am excited about all the storage in the new house! There will be a place for everything. There will be more space than we have ever had before, and I am promising myself to not acquire ‘stuff.’ I think I can stay minimalist for a while.

I am still on cloud nine with a mixture of anxiety about all the things that can hang us up on either one of the closings. Part of that is because I cannot ‘control’ other people’s actions. I am trying to offset the anxiety with extra mediations and reading to distract my mind.

Wish me luck staying on an even keel!

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