Sunday, March 17, 2024

The List

About five days before we made the offer on 412 Butternut Lane SE, Joe wrote out a list of thirty things he would want in our new house. Having an actual list, instead of just a list in each of our minds, helped us to figure out what we REALLY wanted. It also helped me to get on the same page. I had three additional criteria of my own: Affordable, good neighborhood, and close to emergency services.

My personality is such that I kept focusing on the things Joe had talked about wanting in our new home at various times. I bundled all of those ‘wants’ together in my mind to create a perfect place for Joe. I wanted Joe to get everything he always wanted in the way of a home. A safe environment where he could have his hobby machine shop, a garden, low-maintenance, and a peaceful place to read to his hearts content.

Before the “List” and in the initial stages of home hunting, Joe would change his mind or shift his priorities as he encountered life in Minnesota versus life in California. The reality of our ages also began to take shape for him. What would an acre or two of land require in time and energy? Is that how he wanted to spend his time? There has never been a question of a shop, he is a fixer. He did begin to scale back in his mind what he really needed.

The last four homes we toured we used the checklist. Two of the four homes did not come close and had issues that were not on our list. The third house was closer to what we wanted then the first two. Then we walked into 412 Butternut Lane SE, and the list went out the window for me. Forgotten were all the times I thought we would never find a house when the time came, I KNEW this was our new home.

Last night I took out Joe’s house wish list and matched it up to 412 Butternut Lane SE. I was delighted to discover our new home meets all but three item on our lists:

               Rambler/ranch style with or without a basement – this ‘want’ was offset by the desire for a more open floor than the homes available for sale. We could wait for this for years. People suggested we build. Our house in Woodland would have cost us far more to buy the lot and build than purchasing the home we did.

               Heated garage – we can add this feature when it becomes necessary. Joe did not have heat in the shop he worked in over the years in Woodland. However, temperatures in Woodland were warmer!

               Fence for the dogs – we can add a fence or create a dog run in our yard. We do not plan to have dogs living with us, we do plan to have Megan’s dogs visit or stay with us when her family is out of town.

Add in the bonus features of the house that were not on our wish list and I can hardly wait for April 19th when we get the keys.

Everyday I send positive thoughts and prayers out into the universe that the sale of the Woodland house stays on track for the March 29th closing. That is only 12 days away!

Now I am writing a version of the 12 Days of Christmas in my head. Only it is the 12 Days Until Closing.

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