Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Furniture Shopping, Sharing an Essay, and My Rant

Joe and I went furniture shopping today at a Hom Furniture store in nearby Rogers, Minnesota. Our goal was to purchase furniture for the three guest bedrooms. After two and a half hours of walking and finding pieces available by early May, we walked away with what we wanted. I am excited at the prospect of creating three warm and inviting guestrooms for visitors to our home.

Each of the bedrooms will have queen-sized beds with a dresser and two nightstands. Today I learned that most suites of bedroom furniture only come with one nightstand. A second nightstand must be purchased separately and sometimes those nightstands can be expensive. One set we both liked was $650 for the nightstand alone. There was a beautiful Amish set on sale from $5900 to $2500.00 but the extra nightstand was $550.00. We decided to forego as the timing for delivery would be later in the year.

We also purchased a writing desk with a credenza for the sunroom which will serve as my work area and will house our futon couch for those guests who cannot comfortably climb stairs.

Delivery is scheduled for April 23rd to the new house. That also happens to be Joe’s and my thirtieth wedding anniversary.

The following link to an essay on Substack, written by friend Marjorie Appel, is worth your time. She shares a piece by Kim O’Donnel that is a tribute to Damian Sobol, one of the seven World Central Kitchen workers killed in Gaza. Appel also shares a poem that she, herself, wrote and has been performing in coffeehouses in North Carolina. The poem, Baptism in the Flood.


At the end of her essay, Appel encourages us, “In honor of Damian Sobol and his colleagues, use your platform to tell the world of the particular suffering that breaks your heart.”

Today my platform could well serve as a rant against the Arizona Supreme Court. The Arizona Supreme Court ruled today that its 1864 total abortion ban is a law again. This means that doctors and providers (anyone who helps someone obtain an abortion) can be charged with a felony and upon conviction be sentenced to two to five years in prison. The abortion ban provides no exceptions for rape or incest victims.

I hope the backlash by Arizona voters is fierce.


  1. I hope my room is finished by the time I get there! 😉

    1. Of course! Two of the three rooms will be ready by April 23rd. The third will be ready by the second week of May. Actually that room will be finished except for the nightstands that are on backorder. So when do YOU plan to come see us?


Words Matter

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