Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Happy Sibling Day

I just saw on Facebook that it is Sibling’s Day. Did that ever exist before Facebook? I don’t think my brother Jeff has a Facebook account, so I’ll post a photo of my brothers and I taken after my sister, Jeni, died in September 2019. (Actually the photo is of the Kenneth and DeAnn Karnes children, their spouses, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren). Joe and Megan were not at the service. My brothers are cool people. Funny, Smart, and nice – in no particular order. They also worked hard to support their families over the years. Todd is the only one of us (siblings) that has not retired. HAPPY Sibling day, Kenny, Jeff, and Todd!

Front Row: Addie, Tate, and Joss Herendeen
Seated: Jeff Karnes, Kenny Karnes, Beth Coehlo, Todd Karnes
Third Row: Kathy & Renee Karnes, Megan Bauer, Cindy Karnes, Courtney Herendeen 
holding Lisel, Caity Karnes (now Starbuck),
Backrow: Jami Karnes, Diana & Jason Bauer, Mitchell Bauer, Jacob Karnes.
Shhh... I was the oldest person in this photo.

Photos of our sister, Jeni, are few and far between. She loved to laugh and could make other people laugh easily. Here is one photo that captured her fun personality.

Laying out furniture floorplans for the house, and more Amazon wish list shopping, took quite a chunk of my time today. I also researched and discovered Schulte’s Greenhouse and Nursery about two miles from the house. Joe wants to plant a few fruit trees. Surprise.

Joe’s other exciting discovery today was of a tool supply company about twenty-three miles away. They are having an open house on May 15th. The open house is on our calendar. He may be ready to begin stocking his home machine/hobby shop by then.

It was a lovely day with temperatures in the low sixties and a little rain this afternoon. After dinner, this evening we sat on the front porch of Megan’s house, talking and planning more for the upcoming move. Nine more days and we get to move in. The packing has really slowed down as we are down to items we will use between now and the Friday we close on the house and get the keys.

Tomorrow night we are going to a second-grade concert to watch Charlotte perform. Jeremy’s mom, Shelly, and her husband, Artie, are coming up for the concert. We met them this past summer when they came over and we celebrated my birthday. Charlotte will have her own entourage! 


  1. Awe, wish I could have been there. I enjoyed visiting all of Kenneth and D'Ann's kids and grands the last reunion we had in Defiance. About 20 yrs ago I guess. Tell them all I love and miss them.💖

    1. Except me. I wasn't there! I know you love and miss me, too. Maybe not as much as you miss them cause I suspect this is either Kathy or Teresa and I got to see you both this last year!! It was such a joy to be in each of your spaces.

  2. I sure miss Jennifer, she was fun to be around.💖

    1. Yes she was fun to be around. Unless you made her crazy, like I did on occassion. I learned - DO NOT MESS with a redhead.


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...