Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Mystery Sound

Slowly each room in our new home is coming together. This morning the boxsprings arrived for two of the guest beds. This means we have the beds made up with quilts and pillows, so the rooms look almost finished. We hope to get art on the walls in the upstairs bedrooms tomorrow.

I was hoping to have everything finished by Thursday when we go to stay at Megan’s home with her dogs for five days. That may be a bit of a dream on my part. Still, I am happy with our progress.

Tomorrow we are driving about 30 minutes to pick up my writing desk in Coon Rapids. It has been on backorder, and I do not want to wait any longer for the store to schedule it for assembly and delivery. Joe will assemble it; by tomorrow night I will write at the desk instead of the island in the kitchen or the credenza in the sunroom.

I was sitting in the sunroom earlier this evening and heard this strange sound. I thought Joe was doing something in the house that could create the sound. It sounded like a cackling fireplace and neither of our fireplaces were turned on. My next thought was that we left the kitchen fan on. Keep in mind the sunroom has ten windows in it that look out onto three distinct parts of the yard. Joe walks into the room and I ask if he knows where the sound is coming from. He says no and looks at the fireplace and the fan over the stove. Finally, he goes to the window near the gas fireplace and announces that it is raining. The sound we were hearing was the rain overflowing from the gutters. When it dries out a bit he will go clean the gutters. Why didn’t we see the rain coming down? It was not raining at an angle; it was pouring straight down silently. We could not hear the rain hitting the roof or the windows. Once we recognized it was raining, we could see that our neighbor’s patio was wet. Guess if we had been outside in it, we would have figured it out a lot sooner…

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