Tuesday, April 2, 2024

NaTasha's Squirrel

Jeremy’s sister, NaTasha, posted this photo she took on her Facebook page, yesterday with the caption: “Um...ok Mr. Squirrel...go ahead...pig out on our bird seed!!” Everyone commenting on her photo noticed the same thing that I noticed. What do you see when you look at the photo?

Perspective can be a funny thing!

Today we reorganized our packing and storage area. When we moved our personal effects from California I created an inventory with the box number, size of the box, and a line-by-line description of what was in each box. We knew we would be living from boxes until we purchased a home and wanted easy access to items.

Megan on occasion has also borrowed an item. Having the detailed inventory has made it easier for her to find the item if we are not around. As we have unpacked an item, we have labeled the inventory item as "unpacked" on the spreadsheet. Today's packing consisted of re-packing items we think we can do without for the next eighteen days. There is still quite a bit more to do; however, we are pacing ourselves.

Must leave time in our schedule to read, watch YouTube videos (Joe), and Grey's Anatomy (Beth). Priorities!

Pan, Rufio, and Alto are all curious about the boxes. I wonder if they understand that we are getting ready to move. Only Alto moves with us. She is turning out to be a resilient cat having acclimated to our bedroom. Three times we have left her out to explore when the dogs are not around, and she did fine with making her way back to the bedroom when she had enough exploring accomplished.

We have seventeen days left before we move. Yes, I am counting! 

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