Friday, May 31, 2024

Least Useful Skill?

(P.S. I can't do any of these things)

What’s the least useful skill you possess?

Nothing would come to me until I flipped this question to, “What is one thing I know how to do that I would not miss knowing how to do.”

Even then I had to think a bit.

And a bit more.

My aha moment was the skill to speak French. Primarily because I am not fluent and what I do recall is pathetically unhelpful. J’entre dans la salle de class means I enter the class.

Since I am not entering a French class, or any other class for that matter, it is a useless skill.

For now.

How about you? What useless skill do you possess?


  1. I can roll my tongue AND wiggle my ears! Never tried to make my face turn red.


Judging Judges

  I spent my day looking up information on Minnesota Supreme Court, Appellate Court, and District Curt judges that are up for re-election. R...