Thursday, May 16, 2024


 I spent hours of the day laying on our bed unwinding from life. I was up and down taking care of things and then found myself gravitating to our bedroom where it was even quieter than the rest of the house. I did not think it was possible and then realized it’s a heavier kind of quiet, almost as if I were snuggled under an old quilt. Our room feels cozy to me even though it is a good-sized room.

I listened to Calm sleep stories, even though I did not sleep the stories were soothing. I also played a coloring game on my phone for a bit. Today ended up being a day I just checked out of the world around me. At first, I felt guilty until I realized that other people find their own ways to unwind and relax and I do not think they should feel guilty. I needed to give myself some grace.

I finally got with the program and kicked guilt to the curb and wallowed in the beauty of not dusting or preparing for our Open House on Saturday. I can dust tomorrow! I did figure out the punch we will serve. I also planned our meals for the next five days and prepared a grocery list. I kind of fail at being a total slacker… I got close to the goal though.

Tomorrow will be a good day to return to the hustle and bustle of home care. I am already feeling a twinge of “Oh, just go dust this evening. It will not take long at all.” Another voice says, “Well if you wait until tomorrow then the house will not have time to collect much dust for Saturday.”

Another voice is asking me, “How important is it to even dust? Have YOU ever gone to someone’s house and noticed if they have dust on their furniture.” My response is, “No. Maybe they had dusted and that is why I did not notice.”

If I were in Woodland, I would have these conversations with Kim or Ginger. It is most likely their voices I hear anyway.

This morning, we made another trip to the Wright County Recycling Center to get rid of the last of our cardboard from all of the unpacking and deliveries we have received. We are regulars there. Bartenders may know a favorite drink, but you know you’ve really arrived when the recycle attendant automatically directs you to the cardboard section.

We sure do know how to have a fun time.


  1. I know how you feel. I am still trying to unpack boxes or bins. I just had to slow down because my BP has started fluctuating and can't seem to stabilize it. I guess the stress is getting to me. When I was younger I would have this house in order by now. Guess that's why it bothers me so much. Maybe next year I'll have it finished!

    1. Secret: We have eight boxes in am upstairs cupboard that contain three generations of photographs. They may never get unboxed untl I need a frame... I hope you get your BP under control.


Words Matter

  This meme reminds us tthere have been instances where programs or materials were inappropriately altered or removed due to artificial inte...