Monday, May 27, 2024

What's the Dumbest Way You've Injured Yourself?

The dumbest way I injured myself occurred while cleaning a small fishbowl. Joe was at work and Megan was in high school when I decided to clean our small round fishbowl one afternoon. I had emptied the rock out of the bottom and was running warm water into the bowl, over the sink, when it shattered.

I did not get my hands out of the way, just as it shattered our home phone rang. I remember wrapping my right hand in a towel and grabbing the phone. It was Megan's school. They asked me to come pick her up as she had fainted during class. I knew I couldn't drive the twenty minutes to Natomas so I called Joe and explained that I had cut my fingers and would need stitches, I asked if he could come home so we could drive to Natomas, pick-up Megan, and then go to the Woodland Clinic so I could get sewn up. 

While I waited for Joe to drive the ten minutes from work to home, I called the Woodland Clinic Family Medicine and asked about seeing someone for stitches. They put me on hold for about five minutes. When the receptionist came back on the phone, she said they had found one doctor willing to do stitches, but it would be an hour’s wait. I was happy as it would fit into our schedule, and I would not have to pay $100 to use the emergency room, which was the other option.

We never figured out why Megan passed out at school. She went back to school the next day. I had five stitches in my right ring finger to reattach the pad that had sliced off. I did not recall picking the pad up and sticking it on my finger but apparently, I had before I wrapped my hand with the towel. My middle right finger, the pad hanging by a thread, only needed four stitches. The doctor I saw said she was glad she had the opportunity to practice her stitching. A senior doctor came in at the end of the job and reviewed the other doctor's handiwork. The senior doctor told me that they rarely have the chance to stitch people up since most people prefer to go to the Emergency Room. I was happy because I saved $90.00, my co-pay for a doctor's visit was only $10.00 and I knew I would have had to wait hours at the hospital.

I have not cleaned a fishbowl since.

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