Saturday, June 29, 2024

Class of 1974 Fairview High School

The 50th class reunion I spent time fretting over was a wonderful experience. I enjoyed catching up with friends I haven’t seen in a while but have stayed connected with through Facebook. It was equally lovely seeing people I had not seen since we graduated in 1974.

Me - Photo taken from 1974 Yearbook

Our reunion took place at Iron Horse Brews in Sherwood, Ohio in their banquet room. It was extremely humid and the first half hour I sweated a bucket of water. With over sixty people in attendance (I did not actually count – someone said that thirty classmates RSVP’d and add partners or spouses I get 60 – it seemed like a lot more than sixty though), we all were ‘dewy’ enough to fill a built-in swimming pool.

Not that I am complaining as (1) A sauna is a good thing; (2) I drank a lot of water which is always good for the body; (3) It was nice to have a shared experience with my classmates; and (4) Conversations about the weather worked out to be an effective ice breaker.

I did not talk to every person at the reunion. I am sure I managed to talk to all the extroverts as they were more likely to make the attempt to talk to me. I tried to take photos of everyone before they took a seat. I know I failed but I got the majority. I know a group photo was taken and I promise to share it once I get a copy.

Joe was especially happy to see our friend Jean (last year’s visit to New Bern, NC was with Jean and her family) as it meant he knew someone! Jean was just as delighted – her face lit up when she saw Joe. Side note: She was happy to see me as well!

I didn’t get permission to use anyone’s name but will use first names in hopes they are fine with that. Three people volunteered that they read the blog regularly and that was sweet to hear. I write to write. At the same time, it is satisfying to know that the words I write are connecting with others.

Jane from our class could not attend the reunion; however, she put together a slide show of photos from our 1974 yearbook with each student’s senior photo. Laenette, LuAnn, and Myla also worked on the reunion, and they did an excellent job choosing the venue, getting invitations out, collecting money, making name tags, and all the other organizational functions of planning an event. I’ve been there and know that it is nice when there are people willing to help. I hope I did not leave anyone out who helped.

My classmate Bonnie told me that she still drives by our old home in Ney, Ohio and remembers me each time. She shared with me that in high school she thought I was fortunate to live in the house as she really liked it a lot. I thought that was a precious memory to share. It never dawned on me that someone would appreciate our house!

My classmate, Becky, told me that she recalled a slumber party at my house where we held a séance and tried to lift someone with our fingertips. I had completely forgotten that slumber party. Once she mentioned it, the memory popped to the front of my brain. She asked if her memory was correct or if it was a story she had made up in her head. I reassured her that it was a real memory.

Patty invited me to Florida should we travel again. She and her husband Dan go to Florida in the winter. Otherwise, they stay busy farming and spending time with their family. Patty is one of the friends I have stayed in touch with over the years. We were both the first (and maybe the last) four-year journalism students at Fairview High School. Our senior year, Patty was the newspaper editor, and I was a co-editor of the yearbook.

Diane sang at my wedding (to Greg, my first husband) in 1974. She reminded me that she was supposed to sing a duet; however, the male (from our class) did not show up and she sang by herself. I thought she did a beautiful job and told her I appreciated her integrity for performing alone. I am so happy I had the opportunity this evening to thank her!

I avoided talking to the guy who did not show up at the wedding to sing. Tonight, I am thinking I should have asked him what had happened that he did not make it on July 12, 1974. I like to believe that he had a family emergency and that he did not just blow us off. While I had completely forgotten the incident, maybe I owe it to Diane to find out why. Another part of me thinks I should let it go for another fifty years.

Our classmate Tom is the Mayor of Ney, Ohio and has been for twenty years. I was able to confirm with him that the town will be demolishing our old home in Ney. Joe and I drove by the house tonight. I could not bring myself to take a photo of how bad it looks – I do not want to remember it as it looks now. Tom said the town has not yet decided what they will do with the property. They raised enough money to buy the property and for the demolition. It does sound like whatever they do it will be part of the park next door.

Deb, LuAnn, Kathy (1,2, and 3), Carol, Bev, Dawn, Gay Lee, Myla, all took time to greet me. I was able to spend more time catching up with three or four of them. I realize that other than Tom, Bryan, and Dewey, I didn’t talk with the guys from our class. That makes perfect sense to me. I dated guys from other high schools and didn’t know the guys particularly well even back then.

There was talk of having another reunion in three, five, or ten years. It sounded like most people thought ten years was too long at our age (68 and 69). As Joe and I left I heard it would be in three or five years and I was asked by a classmate if I would be back for it. I told them if I were still “here” I would be at the reunion. 

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